Great Tech Employees

Why Veterans Make Great Tech Employees

In the ever-evolving world of technology, companies constantly seek individuals with the skills and mindset to thrive in this dynamic environment. Veterans, with their unique blend of technical expertise, soft skills, and unwavering dedication, represent a valuable untapped resource for the tech industry.

Technical Skills

The military provides extensive training in various technical fields, including electronics, cybersecurity, and aviation technology. Veterans often possess specialized skills in areas like programming, data analysis, and network administration. These technical skills can be readily applied to a myriad of tech-related roles.

Soft Skills

Beyond technical proficiency, Veterans bring a wealth of soft skills that are highly sought-after in the tech industry. These skills include:

Discipline: Veterans are accustomed to working under strict timelines and adhering to rigorous procedures. This discipline translates into a strong work ethic and a commitment to completing tasks with precision and attention to detail.

Problem-solving: Veterans are trained to think critically and adapt to challenging situations. They are adept at identifying problems, analyzing potential solutions, and implementing effective strategies to overcome obstacles.

Teamwork: The military fosters a culture of collaboration and teamwork. Veterans are accustomed to working effectively with diverse teams to achieve common goals. This collaborative spirit is essential for success in the tech industry, where projects often involve cross-functional teams with varying expertise.

Communication: Veterans develop strong communication skills, both written and verbal. They can break down complex ideas, provide concise updates, and effectively collaborate with team members and stakeholders.


The military provides ample opportunities for leadership development. Veterans often gain experience leading teams, making decisions under pressure, and motivating others to achieve objectives in the military. These leadership skills are invaluable for tech companies seeking individuals to take on project management, team leaders, and supervisory roles.

Veterans: A Valuable Resource

Veterans possess a combination of technical expertise, soft skills, and leadership qualities that make them well-suited for success in the tech industry. By recognizing and embracing the potential of Veterans, companies can tap into a valuable resource that can contribute to their innovation, growth, and overall success.

If you are a tech employer seeking talented and dedicated individuals, consider expanding your recruitment efforts to include Veterans. You may be surprised by the wealth of talent and experience that these individuals can bring to your company.

Jim Hennessey is Code Platoon’s Director of Marketing. Jim brings a strong background in nonprofit marketing and start-up enterprises to the mission of Code Platoon. Jim is a graduate of Clemson University and currently lives in Chicago. Follow Jim on LinkedIn.

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