DevOps E&W Alpha Platoon Final Projects

Code Platoon celebrated DevOps and Cloud Engineering Evening & Weekend Alpha Platoon graduation on Saturday, March 9, 2024. Five dedicated Veteran and military spouse students immersed themselves in DevOps methodologies and tools throughout the course. Their DevOps and Cloud Engineering: Evening & Weekend program culminated in two final projects showcasing their proficiency with DevOps principles, technologies, and tools.

Let’s explore the final projects presented during their graduation ceremony.


First up was the Pokeclone team comprising of a Marine Corps Veteran, an Army Veteran, and an Army spouse. Their project deployed Pokeclone, a Pokemon game developed by our Full-stack Software Engineering Victor Platoon graduates.

The Pokeclone team used DevOps tools like Terraform for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Docker for Containerization to automate and streamline deployment on Amazon Web Services (AWS). By adding DevOps features like Cloudwatch for monitoring performance and Amazon EventBridge for continuous testing, the DevOps graduates improved the security, efficiency, and scalability of the PokeClone web application. 

“My favorite part of working on Pokeclone was the collaboration. Each team member brought a diverse skill set and was dedicated to the deployment of our project,” said Edwin Quito, a Marine Corps Veteran. “From building the AWS infrastructure and Dockerizing the application to implementing CI/CD through GitHub and configuring the Kubernetes manifest files, every step was a testament to our collective effort and expertise.” Check out their final project presentation.

Dino Stocks

The Dino Stocks team of a Navy Veteran and an Army Veteran prioritized scalability and rapid deployment of their final project. Leveraging Github for version control and Github Actions for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), the Veterans established a resilient infrastructure that deploys updates to the Dino Stocks web app in just three minutes.

The team deployed Dino Stocks to Amazon EKS, and their Agile sprints enabled the swift completion of their project. 

“Diving into Kubernetes and Docker was my favorite part of working on this project,” said Chad Thompson-Smith, Navy Veteran and DevOps E&W Alpha Platoon graduate. “A major hurdle we faced was effectively configuring the frontend to backend communication. The game-changer was when we implemented an NGINX layer, acting as a proxy to streamline our React app’s configuration. This strategy significantly reduced the need for front-end code alterations.” See the DevOps and cloud engineering practices on display in the team’s Dino Stocks final presentation.

To check out Code Platoon’s DevOps & Cloud Engineering program, head over to our YouTube channel where you can watch recorded DevOps class lectures or start learning Python with our free Intro to Coding Python playlist.

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