Entries by Code Platoon

Transforming Military Spouses into Tech Professionals

Military spouses face a unique set of challenges when it comes to sustaining a career. The transient nature of military life, with frequent relocations and the uncertainty of deployment schedules, can make traditional 9-to-5 jobs impractical. Additionally, the fear among employers that military spouses may not stay long-term often leads to higher unemployment rates for […]

From Raising Kids to Writing Code: A Veteran’s Tech Transition

After six years in the Air Force and eight years raising her children across the United States, South Korea, and Norway with her active duty husband, Kana Pankey reentered the workforce. Her success in the tech industry resulted from hard work, a learning mindset honed through her diverse experiences in military service and full-time parenting, […]

Empowering Women in the Transition to Tech Careers

In the rapidly evolving tech landscape, women are increasingly making their marks, challenging stereotypes, and breaking barriers to the industry. Despite their notable contributions and achievements, women in software engineering still encounter unique hurdles on their journeys toward establishing successful careers. In Code Platoon’s Tech Transitions vodcast series, three experts shed light on the transition […]

Building Foundations: Inside Code Platoon’s Programming Prep Course

Transitioning from military life to a full-time coding bootcamp is daunting for Code Platoon students. Recognizing the unique challenges its incoming Veteran and military spouse students face, the organization developed Foundations of Programming (FOP), a four-week optional course offered before every Full-stack Software Engineering: Immersive cohort.  Foundations of Programming is not just a preparatory step—it’s […]

DevOps E&W Alpha Platoon Final Projects

Code Platoon celebrated DevOps and Cloud Engineering Evening & Weekend Alpha Platoon graduation on Saturday, March 9, 2024. Five dedicated Veteran and military spouse students immersed themselves in DevOps methodologies and tools throughout the course. Their DevOps and Cloud Engineering: Evening & Weekend program culminated in two final projects showcasing their proficiency with DevOps principles, […]

Victor Platoon Final Projects

The Veteran and military spouse members of Victor Platoon recently completed their Coding Bootcamp and presented their final coding projects during graduation. These final projects showcase the software engineering skills of the Veterans and military spouses who graduated from the 15-week Full-stack Software Engineering: Immersive program. Check out their web applications below. Sacred Scrolls  Developed […]

8 Years of Transforming Veterans into Software Engineers

On February 1, 2024, Code Platoon celebrated its eighth anniversary, marking a milestone in its journey of empowering Veterans, military spouses, and active duty Servicemembers with the skills for successful careers in technology. The organization has made remarkable strides, graduating over 600 individuals who have seamlessly transitioned into roles such as software and DevOps engineering […]

Helping Veterans Transition to New Careers

In the vast expanse of the civilian tech workforce, Veterans stand at a unique crossroads. Each year, around 250,000 Servicemembers hang up their uniforms, stepping into a world vastly different from the one they’ve known. These individuals aren’t just looking for jobs; they’re taking the first step into new careers and trying to define the […]

A Veteran’s Journey to Leading Tech Teams

Transitioning from a 14-year career in finance to leading software engineering teams is a significant leap. Charles Kubiak, a Marine Corps Veteran and graduate of Code Platoon’s Full-stack Software Engineering program, undertook this remarkable career shift with determination. His journey to tech leadership is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of Veterans in the […]

Driving Innovation in DevOps Engineering Education

Building on the success of its flagship software engineering program, Code Platoon pioneered a new avenue for Veterans, Servicemembers, and spouses to build careers in tech. The organization’s DevOps and Cloud Engineering program signifies a strategic expansion, addressing the growing demand for professionals with cutting-edge DevOps experience by empowering military community members to become leaders […]