Whiskey Platoon Final Projects

For 15 weeks, the Whiskey Platoon graduates dedicated themselves to honing their coding skills during the Full-stack Software Engineering: Immersive program. From AI-driven chess tutors to comprehensive class management tools and real-time chat apps, their final group projects reflect their dedication and growth. Join us in this blog as we explore and celebrate their remarkable accomplishments. 

Starting the project showcase strong, Cheap Chess Tutor leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help chess players improve their skills. New players can see suggested moves during real-time games with other players or computers. The app stores its data on a PostgreSQL database, so users can play multiple games simultaneously.

OpenAI powers the computer opponent. The team’s code translates the chessboard into text for ChatGPT 3.5 to analyze, then converts its responses back into JavaScript code, creating interactive visual effects for the user within a second.

“For many of us, this was the first time we had taken somebody else’s code and contributed enough to call it our own,” Drew, an active duty Airman, says. “It required a strong understanding of the code, which we gained through demos, reviews, and most of all, not being afraid to ask questions. Cheap Chess Tutor taught us the versatility needed to jump into any project and thrive.”

ChangeMate platforms social impact events and campaigns in a fun, social layout. The app offers organizers tools to promote their events, recruit volunteers, and assign tasks on a user interface created with React and Veet and enhanced using Bootstrap components. 

Individual users are motivated to host, volunteer for, and attend events for social causes by earning badges and recognition from the ChangeMate app. Part of the user functionality uses external and Restful APIs.

“Our vision was for ChangeMate to be more than just a social media platform,” Shawn, an Air Force Veteran and member of the ChangeMate team, says. “ChangeMate is a catalyst for positive change, bringing communities together to create a better world. We’re excited to embark on this journey with our users.”

The next team built Platoon Console, a class management tool for Code Platoon students and instructors. For students, the app streamlines their attendance records, manages pair programming, and provides a detailed class calendar and resources, including a searchable gallery of lecture videos. 

“We knew what students need from our own experience,” Landon, a Navy Veteran, says. “We frequently met with our instructors to define the scope of the classroom toolset and what information they need to collect on the platform.”

Based on their user research, the team designed the instructor side of the platform to check and approve attendance, which is stored on a back-end table of attendance records stored in SQL. Instructors can also select students to demo their code and generate random pairs or groups for assignments.

Transparent Budget Decisions (TBD) is a personalized finance app that tracks expenses and forecasts monthly expenses. Before writing any code, the team used Agile methods to determine their project scope.

“We created a whiteboard of potential features and categorized them based on our vision of the minimum viable product,” Weston, a Marine Corps Veteran who worked on TBD, says, “Each feature was broken down into a user story to determine its success criteria from that user’s perspective.”

TBD features an interactive calendar of transaction data and events, graphs the remaining budget using JavaScript against automatically deducted monthly transactions, and uses the Open AI API in the “Ask TBD” page, where users can receive instant answers from ChatGPT.

The last project in our showcase is Disclone, a full-stack chat application designed to provide users with a seamless communication experience. Users can join different channels or create their own. While on a channel, their messages are sent in real-time to other users via a WebSocket server built with Django and a Gunicorn server. The team deployed Disclone on an Amazon EC2 instance, packaged with a lightweight Docker container.

“Rather than focusing solely on creating a feature-rich application with what we already knew, our team saw Disclone as an opportunity to push the boundaries of our skills,” Jordan, an Air Force Veteran and Disclone developer, says. “We challenged ourselves by incorporating cutting-edge technologies we were eager to learn. These technologies not only enhance Disclone’s performance but also represent a significant milestone in our learning journeys.”

Travelers Named Code Platoon’s 2024 Partner of the Year

Chicago, IL, [June 25, 2024] – Code Platoon, a nonprofit coding bootcamp exclusively for Veterans and military spouses, has selected Travelers, a leading provider of property casualty insurance, as its 2024 Partner of the Year. This recognition is given to a corporate partner whose leadership significantly advances Code Platoon’s mission of empowering the military community to transition to civilian careers in software engineering.

Over the past year, Travelers has hired several Code Platoon graduates into its Engineering Development Program and provided philanthropic support to Code Platoon’s robust technical education and career placement programs. 

Thida Sam, Director of Development at Code Platoon, praised Travelers, saying, “Travelers has been instrumental in our efforts this year, particularly with their focus on recruiting from nontraditional talent pipelines and their unwavering support for Veteran-focused educational initiatives. This has set a benchmark for corporate partnership.”

“We have a longstanding commitment to supporting the military community, and it is an absolute honor to be recognized by Code Platoon for our efforts,” said Jim McMahon, Director of Talent Acquisition at Travelers. “We pride ourselves on ensuring a welcoming and supportive environment for military families, and part of that includes fostering strong partnerships with organizations such as Code Platoon.”

Travelers supports a number of military-friendly initiatives, including an employee resource group that boasts more than 3,300 members and a recruitment program designed specifically to help military spouses that has resulted in more than 300 hires since 2020. 

The company has also signed the Statement of Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve at both state and national levels, and it participates in the Department of Defense Military Spouse Employment Partnership, which connects military spouses with partner employers committed to recruiting and retaining military spouses. In recent years, Travelers has also been named an Employer for Outstanding Support by the U.S. Navy Reserve and a Beyond the Yellow Ribbon company by the Minnesota National Guard.

“We are excited to recognize Travelers as our 2024 Partner of the Year,” said Rod Levy, Executive Director of Code Platoon. “Their commitment to our mission through active support, job placements, and volunteer efforts has been invaluable. They truly embody the spirit of partnership, and we are immensely grateful for their contributions.”

Travelers will be recognized at the annual Celebrate Code Platoon event on September 26, 2024.

About Code Platoon

Code Platoon is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that transforms Veterans, active duty Servicemembers, and military spouses into professional software engineers through an immersive, hands-on educational process and paid apprenticeship program. We recognize the unique and diversified skill sets and experience Veterans bring to the tech industry and provide the hard and soft skills for these individuals to transition to careers in tech.

Pair Programming 101: A Guide for Aspiring Software Engineers

Pair programming is when two software engineers create code together. It’s a powerful Agile development technique for software engineering teams and is a core part of my teaching approach at Code Platoon While many of my students are hesitant to start pair programming, this collaborative approach improves the quality of their coding and fosters stronger teamwork, creativity, and professional growth in every cohort. I know it can do the same for you, too.

3 Reasons to Learn Pair Programming

Adjusting from solo programming to pair programming is like eating spicy food. The first time you try it, you might not like it, but the more you experience it, the more you’ll get used to it and may prefer it. 

Here are three reasons to learn pair programming:

  1. Produce Higher Quality Code: On average, pair programmers spend about 15% more time solving a problem than individual developers, but their code will have 15% fewer defects than if they had worked individually. This may not sound like a lot, but it’s a massive improvement.
  2. Create Higher Satisfaction: Pair programming allows you to collaborate on interesting and challenging topics for your project. In an online survey of programmers, 96% stated they enjoyed working within pairs more than working alone. There’s nothing better than tackling a good problem together and working on a gratifying solution!
  3. Learn How to Work Together: Although you may prefer working alone, many software engineers work in teams, so knowing how to program together is essential for your professional development.

Ideally, your partner will be a more experienced developer who’ll share new tips and tricks. But even if you’re programming with someone less skilled, you’ll still be exposed to different problem-solving approaches.

How to Pair Program

First, decide how to meet with your partner and share your code. Zoom and Visual Studio Live Share are both friendly tools that I recommend. Next, create the requirements for your project and decide which role you’ll each take:

  1. Driver: If you’re the Driver, you interpret the ideas for your project into code. You’ll sit at the computer or share your screen and start programming. As you code, you’ll listen to feedback from the Navigator and continuously verbalize your thoughts, concerns, and any questions you have as you’re working. 
  2. Navigator: As the Navigator, you review the code as the driver writes it to ensure it meets your project’s requirements. Don’t just provide answers to the Driver or try to lead the Driver into solving a problem exactly as you would. Instead, suggest how the Driver could steer their code to meet the requirements.

Once you establish roles, you can move on to problem-solving and writing code. Pair programming shouldn’t be silent or divide-and-conquer; you and your partner should continuously communicate about the vision for your project.

Generally, don’t aim to pair program for more than an hour at a time. Working for longer than that quickly becomes draining. Take a break if the project needs more time; you can always meet again for another session.

At the end of this process, you and your partner should leave with higher confidence in your code. Before departing, you and your partner should also provide constructive feedback to each other and ask any questions you may have from the process. And that’s pair programming in a nutshell!

Francisco is the Lead Full-stack Software Engineering Instructor at Code Platoon. He served in the United States Marine Corps for eight years as an Infantry Mortarman and an Infantry Combat Instructor. Francisco graduated from Code Platoon’s Full-stack Software Engineering: Immersive Romeo Platoon and is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. He enjoys running with his dog, hiking with his family, and reading in his spare time.

Maximizing the GI Bill at a Coding Bootcamp

The GI Bill® has long been a cornerstone of military benefits, offering Veterans and Servicemembers a path to educational and career advancement. While many associate the GI Bill® with traditional college degrees, its scope has significantly widened to include an array of vocational and technical training programs catering to the evolving career landscapes of today’s workforce. One such opportunity is coding bootcamps, like Code Platoon, which are designed to equip participants with in-demand tech skills in a condensed timeframe.

The Post-9/11 GI Bill, with its broad coverage, includes non-degree programs at technical schools. Eligibility is straightforward: service after September 10, 2001, for at least 90 days, receiving a Purple Heart, or an honorable discharge with a service-connected disability after at least 30 days of continuous service. The Forever GI Bill enhancements mean no expiration for benefits for those discharged after January 1, 2013.

This GI Bill covers tuition and fees based on service length, directly paying the school. It also provides a monthly housing allowance (MHA) based on the school’s zip code and the student’s enrollment status.

FAQs: Your GI Bill Benefits for Bootcamps

Can the GI Bill be used for coding bootcamps?

Yes, the GI Bill can be used for coding bootcamps approved by the VA. It’s essential to verify that the bootcamp you’re interested in is eligible for GI Bill funding.

Is a coding bootcamp beneficial for Veterans?

Absolutely. For Veterans aiming to transition into the tech sector, coding bootcamps offer a streamlined, focused path to acquiring the necessary skills without the time commitment of a traditional degree program.

How do I choose the right bootcamp?

Consider VA-approved VET TEC training providers and those offering scholarships or money-back guarantees for job placement. Research, reach out to bootcamps directly, and connect with fellow Veterans who have taken this path to gather insights and make an informed decision.

Can I use the GI Bill at Code Platoon?

Code Platoon’s in-person programs are open to Veterans eligible for GI Bill benefits. In-person students can have tuition fully or partially covered, alongside receiving a stipend for a housing allowance equivalent to an E-5 with dependents BAH.

The GI Bill has evolved from a measure to support post-war education to a flexible tool for career transformation. For Veterans eyeing the tech industry, programs like Code Platoon represent a golden opportunity to leverage their GI Bill benefits toward a dynamic and fulfilling new career path.

Jim Hennessey is Code Platoon’s Director of Marketing. Jim brings a strong background in nonprofit marketing and start-up enterprises to the mission of Code Platoon. Jim is a graduate of Clemson University and currently lives in Chicago. Follow Jim on LinkedIn.

Transforming Military Spouses into Tech Professionals

Military spouses face a unique set of challenges when it comes to sustaining a career. The transient nature of military life, with frequent relocations and the uncertainty of deployment schedules, can make traditional 9-to-5 jobs impractical. Additionally, the fear among employers that military spouses may not stay long-term often leads to higher unemployment rates for this group compared to their civilian counterparts.

Recognizing the challenges that military spouses face and the opportunities tech careers provide for flexibility and remote work, Code Platoon opened its program to military spouses in 2019. 

Since then, Code Platoon has graduated 49 military spouses, with a significant majority attending remotely—88% to be precise. These graduates include 39 women, eight men, and one non-binary individual, reflecting the diversity and inclusivity of the program. 

One of the major draws for military spouses is the financial support offered by Code Platoon. Unlike other educational opportunities, which might be inaccessible due to financial constraints, Code Platoon provides a variety of scholarships for military spouses specifically. Last year, more than 90% of military spouses at Code Platoon received a scholarship. 

“A major benefit of attending Code Platoon was the financial assistance. As a spouse, I wasn’t eligible for the GI Bill or VET TEC. Still, I received a full military spouse scholarship, making it possible for me to pursue a career in software engineering without worrying about the financial burden,” shared Lily Yang, an Army spouse and graduate of the Sierra Platoon.

The program’s flexibility also stands out, with remote learning options that accommodate the unpredictable schedule of military families. This accessibility allows spouses to learn from anywhere, turning what could be a barrier into an opportunity for development and growth. Spouses have participated in the Code Platoon program from across the United States and from bases in Germany, South Korea, and Japan.

Hui Zhao, a graduate of the Evening & Weekend program, noted, “Being a military spouse has shaped me with adaptability and resilience. As a spouse, I had five jobs in five different industries. I think spouses excel at project management and quick turnarounds. We’re flexible and resilient.”

Code Platoon not only recognizes the unique skills and resilience that military spouses bring to the table but also actively works to harness these qualities by providing a supportive and practical route to a new career. The training at Code Platoon goes beyond technical skills; it fosters a sense of community and support, crucial for military spouses who often navigate the challenges of career building alone.

“I was nervous at first about pursuing software engineering and attending Code Platoon,” said Kat Wegrzynowicz, a military spouse and former special education instructor who graduated from Quebec Platoon.  “Being in education, I was used to working with mostly women. I’d also heard that other bootcamps are very competitive, with students that feel threatened by each other’s success. But at Code Platoon, the staff, instructors, and students have all been supportive and inclusive.”

For military spouses seeking not just education but a transformative journey into tech, Code Platoon offers a compelling option. It’s more than just learning to code—it’s about building a stable, fulfilling career that moves with their military lifestyle.

From Raising Kids to Writing Code: A Veteran’s Tech Transition

After six years in the Air Force and eight years raising her children across the United States, South Korea, and Norway with her active duty husband, Kana Pankey reentered the workforce. Her success in the tech industry resulted from hard work, a learning mindset honed through her diverse experiences in military service and full-time parenting, and support from the immersive training she received at Code Platoon.

“While I was a full-time parent, I considered many career paths for my return to work. I contemplated being a genetic counselor, audiobook narrator, photographer, and data scientist. But as a military spouse following my husband to Norway, I wasn’t in the right location to pursue these interests,” says Kana.

“In the end, software engineering fell at the intersection of my passions, abilities, and family situation. I’ve always enjoyed solving puzzles, have an engineering mindset (bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering), and could attend Code Platoon remotely—even from Norway!”

Code Platoon played a crucial role in Kana’s transition, offering a structured and intensive learning environment exclusively for Veterans and military spouses like her. The program helped Kana build the necessary skills and confidence to embark on her new career. 

“Having to learn so much so quickly helped me build confidence in my ability to be a software engineer,” she says. “My career has been an extension of Code Platoon, learning new skills one step at a time.”

After graduating from Code Platoon, Kana joined tech startup Bobsled as a junior software engineer and information security manager. Thanks to her military experience, she easily adapted to the fast-paced environment of a tech startup.

“The military believes that people rise to their level of responsibility. While in the Air Force, I was given projects without direction or much basic knowledge,” she says. “There are so many unknowns to figure out while creating software. So taking ownership of my responsibilities, figuring out how to get things done, and knowing when to ask for help have been essential skills for my software engineering career developed during my time in the military.”

A big difference between working in tech and the military is how much titles differ across companies. Unlike the military, where roles are usually defined with consistent requirements, tech jobs with the same title can vary widely in their requirements and expectations.

“I was surprised by how unstructured tech can be,” she says. “The nature of tech teams was also unexpected. When I first started, I thought software engineering would be more individual—like swimming, for example. Instead, it’s more like a team sport. Coordination and planning are crucial to ensure everyone’s work fits together—like how soccer players work together to score a goal.”

This analogy also applies to the transition Kana’s family underwent when she returned to work: “I had to change my approach from putting my needs after everyone else in the family to asking for help with family contributions.”

Today, Kana is a Hiring Our Heroes Fellow at Booz Allen Hamilton, one of Code Platoon’s corporate partners. She continues to learn and grow through on-the-job learning, conferences, joining tech organizations, and project work. Her current learning focus revolves around software engineering, cloud technologies, and AI. She’s also interested in diving into organizational behavior and leadership development.

“I enjoy learning more about what makes tech teams effective and how to create those teams. The military’s focus on leadership and team building is useful in all aspects of life, including software engineering. Eventually, I want to move into engineering leadership as a tech lead,” Kana says. 

“Beyond that, I’d like to get more involved in women and Veteran tech groups. I’ve always thought I could ‘do it alone.’ But last year, I attended a ‘Women of the Cloud’ event. During the panels, I realized how important it is to see women ahead of me on my chosen path. I plan to start volunteering with a local Women in Tech group and see where things go.”

Empowering Women in the Transition to Tech Careers

In the rapidly evolving tech landscape, women are increasingly making their marks, challenging stereotypes, and breaking barriers to the industry. Despite their notable contributions and achievements, women in software engineering still encounter unique hurdles on their journeys toward establishing successful careers. In Code Platoon’s Tech Transitions vodcast series, three experts shed light on the transition to tech for women, sharing their insights and advice as women in tech.

“I’m a Marine Corps Veteran who went through a coding bootcamp. I advanced my career from there over the last eight years,” Nicole Carpenter, Principle Software Developer at 8th Light, says.

“I have a degree in computer science, but I started doing standard business consulting. I went back to technology because I love helping engineers advance their careers and building great products along the way,” Jordi Buller, a Fractional CTO and freelance advisor for tech companies, says.

“I was a high school English teacher before I transitioned to recruiting for tech professionals,” Bailey Budka, a Branch Director of Recruiting at Robert Half, says.

An essential skill for women transitioning to tech is self-advocacy. Although advocating for one’s needs can be difficult, asserting one’s worth and communicating one’s value are paramount skills for women in the tech workforce.

“I would rather be called aggressive than be walked over,” Nicole says. “I benefited from getting hired by a company with mentorship programs, but not everyone will have that opportunity. My advice for women in tech is to find a mentor at their company or by going to local tech events.”

“It’s important to find allies,” Jordi says. “A reality of being a woman in tech is sometimes we need men or people who are more senior than us to be our allies in this space.”

The interviewing process is another area where greater self-advocacy benefits women in tech. Bailey has fourteen years of experience helping women and career transitioners prepare to negotiate salary and benefits in their job interviews:

“If an employer asks for a salary range, I always suggest giving the high end of what the interviewee thinks they might get,” she says. “I also tell transitioning tech employees to consider requesting a sign-on bonus. Sometimes hiring managers may be able to adjust other benefits if they can’t raise the salary.”

Navigating workplace dynamics as a woman in tech may require a keen eye for discerning supportive cultures and potential red flags. Women can better navigate their tech career paths with clarity and confidence by identifying supportive workplace cultures and weighing any “red flags” against the “green” ones.

“Company values can be important to consider when joining a new company, but it can be hard to tell if a company lives by its values,” Jordi says. “If they’re not acted on, company values are just buzzwords.”

In the fast-paced tech industry, continuous learning is a cornerstone for success. By cultivating opportunities to develop new skills on-the-job, women can stay ahead of the curve in their tech careers.

“Transitioning software engineers should ask their future employers how much the company is investing back into its employees,” Nicole says. “Does the company encourage mentorship or have a plan for supporting early-career developers? Is it giving employees time to focus on developing and learning new skills? A workplace that wants its employees to grow their skills and invest in themselves is a huge green flag.” 

“I love being a woman in tech. There are days where it’s hard, but tech is an industry where I have an impact, whether it’s the products I’m building or the teams I’m growing,” Jordi says. “Sometimes women in tech have to be loud. Sometimes, we need to search for opportunities, but the opportunities are there. As we move through our careers, the chances for more women in tech to have these opportunities will continue to get better and better.”

Building Foundations: Inside Code Platoon’s Programming Prep Course

Transitioning from military life to a full-time coding bootcamp is daunting for Code Platoon students. Recognizing the unique challenges its incoming Veteran and military spouse students face, the organization developed Foundations of Programming (FOP), a four-week optional course offered before every Full-stack Software Engineering: Immersive cohort. 

Foundations of Programming is not just a preparatory step—it’s a launchpad for aspiring military to software engineering students, establishing solid baseline knowledge and hands-on practice coding before the program. 

“We make it our mission to ensure students have the best chance to transition into the workforce upon graduation. To better prepare incoming students for our intense curriculum, Code Platoon assigns self-paced pre-work,” says Rogelio de la Garza, Code Platoon’s Foundations of Programming Instructor and a graduate of the immersive coding bootcamp. “Unfortunately, depending on some of our students’ responsibilities, it can be difficult for them to manage the Pre-work alone. Foundations of Programming emerged to help bridge the gap.”

FOP equips accepted students with the skills they need to hit the ground running. The course covers introductory materials and previews more advanced concepts students will learn during bootcamp. 

“We double down on subjects that tend to give our students a hard time during their programs to improve success rates,” says Rogelio. “For example, introducing Data Structures and Algorithms helps them start recognizing patterns and thinking critically while writing code. This results in cleaner code and pays dividends in their future job search.”

Students also gain hands-on practice with troubleshooting their code, invaluable experience that helps counter one of their biggest initial challenges: their pride. 

“When starting, students tend to be timid about asking questions or getting help. They’re afraid of looking like they’re not up to speed,” says Rogelio. “Foundations of Programming helps them overcome this obstacle in a supportive learning environment. They learn that making mistakes is part of the process.”

Another benefit of the course is learning how to work as part of a team of developers—a crucial skill for software engineering students. In FOP, they practice working together and are encouraged to show their work, discuss their code, and provide each other with constructive criticism. This hands-on practice helps students who take part form a stronger group identity and better prevent burnout during their 15-week program.

“The only way to get better at coding is by coding. Incoming students can watch all our videos or read as many books as they want. But at this stage, unless they’re writing code, making mistakes, and learning from them, they won’t become better software engineers,” says Rogelio. 

“We’ve found since launching Foundations of Programming that students who take the course gain a better understanding of the more complicated topics in the program curriculum. Those who take FOP retain skills from the Pre-work and understand new ones during the program better than those who don’t.”

5 Essential Soft Skills for Software Engineers

In the dynamic world of software engineering, mastering the art of coding and familiarizing yourself with the latest technologies are pivotal steps toward building a successful career. However, for Veterans and military spouses embarking on this journey, it’s crucial to recognize that technical prowess alone doesn’t guarantee success. According to the Career Education Review, a staggering 97% of employers believe soft skills significantly impact job performance, underscoring their importance in the professional arena.

While there’s a broad consensus on the value of soft skills for software engineers, identifying the most crucial ones can be a subject of debate. Here are five essential soft skills that every software engineer should cultivate to not only excel in their roles but also propel their careers forward.


Clear and effective communication is the cornerstone of success in any role, and software development is no exception. The ability to articulate complex technical concepts understandably to non-technical team members is invaluable. It ensures that user requirements are accurately interpreted and met, facilitates seamless collaboration, and bridges the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders. 


Leadership extends beyond a managerial position; it’s about inspiring and guiding your peers toward achieving collective goals. For software engineers, leadership involves mentoring fellow developers, fostering a culture of open communication, and leading by example. The ability to motivate your team, articulate a clear vision, and navigate through challenges sets competent engineers apart from truly exceptional ones.

Critical Thinking

The world of software development is filled with complex problems and challenges. Critical thinking enables engineers to analyze situations, identify patterns, and devise innovative solutions. It’s about approaching problems with a creative mindset and a willingness to explore unconventional solutions. 

Time Management

Software projects often come with deadlines and competing priorities. Effective time management is a non-negotiable skill for software engineers. It’s about prioritizing tasks, setting realistic deadlines, and delivering quality work within stipulated timelines. 


The tech industry is always evolving, with new programming languages, frameworks, and technologies emerging at a rapid pace. Self-learning is a critical skill that allows engineers to stay ahead of the curve. It involves a proactive approach to personal and professional development, a curiosity to explore new domains, and the resilience to overcome learning challenges. 

As Veterans and military spouses transition into the world of software engineering, embracing these soft skills alongside technical expertise can enhance their career prospects. It’s not just about coding; it’s about building a well-rounded skill set that includes communication, leadership, critical thinking, time management, and self-learning. These skills could be the difference that distinguishes a competent software engineer from an outstanding one.

Jim Hennessey is Code Platoon’s Director of Marketing. Jim brings a strong background in nonprofit marketing and start-up enterprises to the mission of Code Platoon. Jim is a graduate of Clemson University and currently lives in Chicago. Follow Jim on LinkedIn.

Transitioning Out of the Military? Discover How SkillBridge Can Help You Succeed in Your Next Career

Are you a US military member preparing to transition out of the service and wondering about your next career move? Look no further than the DoD SkillBridge program—a valuable program designed to assist Servicemembers in gaining civilian work experience before they separate from the military.

What is SkillBridge?

SkillBridge—also known as the Career Skills Program (CSP) in the Army—is an innovative program that allows eligible military members who are within their last 180 days of service to participate in civilian job training, internships, and apprenticeships during their last 180 days of service. This program provides a unique opportunity for transitioning Servicemembers to gain valuable skills and experience in a civilian workplace, helping them seamlessly transition into the workforce.

How Does SkillBridge Work?

Servicemembers can explore a wide range of approved SkillBridge programs offered by participating companies and organizations. Once a suitable opportunity is identified, Servicemembers can apply and, upon acceptance, begin their training or apprenticeship during their final 180 days of service.

Benefits of SkillBridge for Transitioning Servicemembers

  • Hands-On Experience: SkillBridge provides hands-on experience in a civilian work environment, allowing Servicemembers to apply their military skills to real-world scenarios.
  • Industry Connections: By participating in SkillBridge or the Career Skills Program, military members have the opportunity to network with professionals in their desired industry, potentially leading to job offers post-service.
  • Smooth Transition: SkillBridge helps ease the transition from military to civilian life by providing practical work experience and in-demand skills for the job market.
  • Career Exploration: SkillBridge allows Servicemembers to explore different career paths and industries, helping them make informed decisions about their post-military career goals.
  • Resume Building: Completing a SkillBridge program adds value to a Servicemember’s resume, demonstrating their commitment to professional development and readiness for civilian employment.
  • Financial Support: In addition to gaining valuable experience and skills, Servicemembers will continue to receive military stipends and benefits while participating in SkillBridge or the Career Skills Program.

SkillBridge and the Career Skills Program are fantastic resources for US military members preparing to transition out of the service. By participating in these programs, Servicemembers can gain valuable experience, build connections, and enhance their employability in the civilian workforce. Take advantage of SkillBridge today and pave the way for a successful transition into your next career!

Greg Drobny is a former Airborne Infantryman, PSYOP Team Chief, political consultant, professional military blogger, and Code Platoon’s Student Outreach and Recruitment Manager. He holds a BA and MA in history and an MS in organizational psychology. He is married with four children who keep him more than slightly busy, and he is passionate about helping Veterans find their paths in life and develop the skills needed to pursue their goals.